Welcome to the Department of Theology at UCU MUC. Here, we train leaders who are called to serve. We train Anglican clergy to be faithful stewards of God’s Word.
The department of theology at UCU MUC is supervised by the Bishop Tucker School of Divinity and Theology, which is the mother faculty of Uganda Christian University.
Bishop Tucker School of Divinity & Theology has a dual identity. It is both an academic school within Uganda Christian University and a school with a mandate to train students for a professional career. As a department, it must fit within the structure, mission, goals, and policies of the university and also have an integral and formative relationship with the Church of Uganda. We must be able to respond competently to the needs and goals of the Church as expressed by its bishops, as well as to train students proficiently for general service in the Church of Uganda, and specifically for ordered services. The Department occupies the Nabuyonga Rise study center
The Department of Theology maintains a combination of two different but related modes of training:
Theological training–reflects the faith based study of God and our relationship to Him. It emphasizes cognitive knowledge and thoughtful theological analysis of the contemporary world, with a priority placed on academic ability and theoretical research.
Spiritual and ministerial training and formation reflect the preparation necessary for a profession as a full-time minister or qualified Christian leader. It emphasizes experiential and practical skills, professional knowledge, personal spiritual development, and giftedness, with priority placed on ministerial competence in real-life situations.
Spiritual and ministerial formation have a vital place in the philosophy of Bishop Tucker School but offer a great challenge to develop, monitor, and assess,becausetheydonottakeplaceprimarilyinbutoutsidethelectureroom.Whatisthedifferencebetweenthesetwo?
AtUCU-MUC, we aim to provide a thorough touch on students’ character ability, knowledge, skills, and behavior throughout the ministerial formation process.