Uganda Christian University Mbale University College thrives and great reputation comes as a result of the centrality of Christ in all aspects. Worship and prayer take a central place in the University College and that makes Chaplaincy to be an important department that shapes the life and identity of the University.

Chaplaincy a department under the office the Principal, aims at enhancing the Christian values and aiming to draw the attention of unbelievers to Christ Jesus among the University College population.

The Chaplaincy department is headed by Rev Alice Wataka, assisted by an Administrative assistant together with other team members who includes, the Music Director, Sound Technician, worshippers and intercessors.

Chaplaincy Activities


The main Joint Fellowships include chapel time fellowship during Lunch Hours, staff members fellowships, evening fellowships and Prayer Family Fellowship. Discipleship / Bible Study There is a Bible exposition for people to learn the deeper truth of God’s word. We have discipleship groups meetings for Bible Study and discussions.


We provide opportunities for the community to worship God throughout the week. The services are both contemporary and traditional to cater for our diverse population

Pastoral Care and Learning

We offer spiritual counselling, the prayer ministry and couunselling for every body freely. Confidentiality is maintained and if the issue is beyond our skills we refer the people to professional counselors.

University College Missions

Every Academic year in the Advent semester, we have a week of an Evangelistic mission we call “Mission week”. We share the Gospel of Jesus Christ on a one to one, meet various groups, have visiting preachers and teachers of the word and fellowship.